Mače sa iskrivljenim šapama pronašlo utočište kod "pseće mame" i presrećni su

Šenon Bejzner, osnivač portala za Aljaske mačke, bila je kontaktirana u vezi sa mačetom koje je staro devet nedelja i ima izvrnute zadnje šape. Tom mališanu bio je potreban hranitelj i ona je odlučila da pritekne u pomoć, piše lovemeow.
Need any help with your paperwork? I bet I can help with my adorable 😍 nature and tickle you with my whiskers! Anyone else having a Wackadoodle Wednesday?? Thank goodness for our loving furries! #handicats #twistedlegs #specialneedskitten #specialneedscat #advoCATe #specialneedscats #eduCATe #tuxedocat #husky #huskylove #ladypurrl #sundayfunday #inspire #thankful #compassion #kindness #inspiration #sendlove #mojoshope #ww #somuchlove #warriorcats #alaskaskaaats #catsofalaska #perserverance #sophisticated #toomuchcuteness #wackadoodleA post shared by AlaskasKAAATs (@alaskaskaaats) onView this post on Instagram
Ona je odvela mače kod veterinara na pregled.
- Kvalitet njenog života bio je mnogo bolji nego što se mislilo. Ovo mače je imalo tonu energije, harizme, ličnosti i upornosti – kaže Šenon.
Ultrazvuk je pokazao povredu kičme za koju veterinar veruje da je uzrok iskrivljenih nogu mačeta. Šenon su tada rekli da će mačka biti inkontinentna do kraja života, ali je ovaj mali borac brzo dokazao da nisu u pravu.
Who’s the cutest little nugget?? Lady Purrl that’s who! Doesn’t she look so sophistiCATed on the red couch? She is the sweetest little girl and such a joy to have in our @mojoshope program. She hopes everyone is having a purrtacular week! #handicats #twistedlegs #specialneedskitten #specialneedscat #advoCATe #specialneedscats #eduCATe #tuxedocat #harpurrisboss #ladypurrl #inspire #thankful #compassion #kindness #inspiration #sendlove #mojoshope #somuchlove #warriorcats #alaskaskaaats #catsofalaska #perserverance #sophisticated #toomuchcuteness #fancyA post shared by AlaskasKAAATs (@alaskaskaaats) onView this post on Instagram
- Ova divna superzvezda počela je da koristi prostor koji je opremljen za nju i na kom su postavljene prostirke za vršenje nužde i konstantno ih koristi – kaže Šenon.
Macu su nazvali Lejdi Prl. Brzo se prilagodila životu u zatvorenom i snalazi se sa onime što ima. Ona može da se šeta i penje na stvari svojim jakim, prednjim nogama bez ikakvog napora i čini se kako je ništa ne može usporiti.
- Ona osvaja svačije srce svojom žestokom, upornom i simpatičnom prirodom – kaže dalje Šenon.
PURRsenting our adorable rescue ball of fluffy love, Lady Purrl! This purrecious baby who is just around 9-10 weeks old was brought into rescue with a fellow cat organization, Alaska Cat Adoption Team. They reached out to our partner rescue, @mojoshope because our mission is to help animals with special needs. Lady Purrl was born with twisted legs but had never been to a vet and her legs were never given the chance to straighten out. She came into our foster program on Friday and we had her intake exam with our local Er vet because we could not get her into our regular vet until the 28th. The very kind former foster brought her in for the exam at 3, but because of the perceived fragile condition Purrl was in, the vet did not proceed with the exam. When we showed up at 4, we were happy to be able to speak with the vet about Mojo’s Hope’s mission and the work we do for the animals in our program. Our decisions about euthanasia for any animal is always determined by his/her quality of life. If he/she is so diminished that they are suffering, then humane euthanasia is the kindest decision. However, Lady Purrl was determined to show everyone that she is full of life, spunk, sass, purrs, and purrseverance! Not surPURRsing to us at all! The vet was happy that we were wanting to help her out and get her tested for FeLv/FIV as well (she tested negative). Whenever we bring cats into our House of Mojo, we have to ensure that everyone is kept safe and sound! We moved forward with her exam, had X-rays taken that showed a spinal trauma which is what has caused Purrl’s twisted legs. We were told she had no control over her bowels or urination, but she has shown she has excellent control! We opted out of using litter for her for now, but set up a pee-pad area that she uses consistently! She is simply ameowzing! We will be bringing her into our regular vet on the 28th to do further diagnostics and discuss further what we can do to help her. As you can see in her videos she is suPURR fast, dynamic and nothing gets in her way! She is getting to know everyone and we are getting to know her! PURRlease send our little nugget lots of love! 💕💕💕A post shared by AlaskasKAAATs (@alaskaskaaats) onView this post on Instagram
Narednih dana, Lejdi Prl se upoznala sa ostatkom krznene ekipe, a jedna od njih se odmah potukla sa njom. Sinder, pas koji tu živi, ima mekano mesto za mačiće i štence kojima je potrebno.
Kada je ugledala mače koje ulazi u sobu na svoje dve prednje šape, proradio joj je majčinski instinkt. Ona je uzbudljivo mahala svojim repom i imala je ogroman osmeh na licu i sve što je želela da uradi bilo je da se pobrine za to mače.
Nakon nekoliko poljubaca koje je dobila od tog psa, Lejdi Prl je shvatila da je “u sigurnim šapama”, priljubila se uz Sinder i počela da prede.
Happy TOT from Lady Purrl and Cinder! Cinder is something else we tell you! She spreads love and joy to so many! How cute is Lady Purrl with her paw on Cinder! Heart melting! Lady Purrl is going to our regular vet tomorrow so we can discuss possible options and how to ensure we’re providing her with the best care possible! She’s such a little spitfire 🔥 and with HarPURR and Cinder as some of her mentors she’ll be the purrfect blend! What a spunky lovebug she is! #miraclepurrs #alaskaskaaats #catsofalaska #handicats #twistedlegs #specialneedskitten #specialneedscat #advoCATe #specialneedscats #eduCATe #tuxedocat #mojoshope #ladypurrl #inspire #thankful #compassion #kindness #inspiration #sendlove #somuchlove #warriorcats #tough #nuggets #tot #tongueouttuesdayA post shared by AlaskasKAAATs (@alaskaskaaats) onView this post on Instagram
- Lejdi Prl ima motor za predenje koji nikada ne prestaje i voli da se uvuče blizu vašeg uha, tako da možete da čujete njeno umirujuće predenje i izbliza – kaže Šenon.
Sinder je najsrećnije kuče kada je pored svog “usvojenog” mačeta.
Još jedna mačor koji stanuje kod njih i koji, takođe, ne može da koristi svoje zadnje noge, preuzeo je ulogu novog mentora ovog mačeta.
These kids... how is one supposed to ever make the bed?? Who needs to when you have so much cuteness altogether! Happy #tot from HarPURR, Cinder and Lady Purrl! 💜💙💜 #handicats #paralyzedcat #specialneedscat #advoCATe #specialneedscats #eduCATe #siamesecat #harpurrisboss #harpurrisinspurrirational #inspire #thankful #compassion #kindness #megacolon #inspiration #harpurrtastic #somuchlove #harpurrandcinder #harpurrkittywarrior #warriorcats #go #strength #resilience #twistedlegkitten #huskylove #threemusketeersA post shared by AlaskasKAAATs (@alaskaskaaats) onView this post on Instagram
Njih dvoje uživaju u skakanju po sobi, jurenju i rvanju. Uprkos njihovom deformitetu, ove predivne mačke ne dozvoljavaju da ih bilo šta zaustavi i spreči da uživaju u životu.
Nakon svakog završetka sa igranjem, Lejdi Prl se vraća svojoj “psećoj mami”, Sinder, kako bi se mazile i kako bi dobila prijatnu negu.
So much love, kindness, compassion across all boundaries, species and time. Cinder’s generosity of spirit and ability to help our purrecious @mojoshope rescues like Lady Purrl to feel so treasured and adored! Happy Snuggly Sunday! #handicats #twistedlegs #specialneedskitten #specialneedscat #advoCATe #specialneedscats #eduCATe #tuxedocat #husky #huskylove #ladypurrl #inspire #thankful #compassion #kindness #inspiration #sendlove #mojoshope #somuchlove #warriorcats #alaskaskaaats #catsofalaska #perserverance #sophisticated #toomuchcuteness #sundaysnuggles #sundayfundayA post shared by AlaskasKAAATs (@alaskaskaaats) onView this post on Instagram
- Sinder je tako strpljiv i umiljat pas, koji ima mnogo toga da pruži drugima – dodaje Šenon.
- Lejdi Prl je tako vatrena i sa HarPrr (mačor) i Sinder kao mentorima, biće savršen spoj – priča dalje ona.
Njeno utočište pruža prijatno okruženje za ovo mače i njene posebne potrebe, kako bi joj se osigurao ispunjen život kakav zaslužuje.
- Uveli smo mere predstrožnosti kako bismo bili sigurni da je bezbedna dok smo mi na poslu i da je pod pažljivim nadzorom kada nije zatvorena – objašnjava Šenon.
Ova hrabra mačkica ne prestaje da zadivljuje sve svojom upornošću. Ukoliko tu postoji igračka, pokušaće da je dohvati, a ukoliko je HarPrr u blizini, nateraće ga da se igraju.
Na kraju dana ode kod Sinder kako bi imala malo “vremena sa mamom”, pre nego što zaspi.
Oh Lady Purrl! You are the purrfect valentine! Cinder and Lady Purrl adorableness to the max! We hope everyone is feeling the love every single day! #handicats #twistedlegs #specialneedskitten #specialneedscat #advoCATe #specialneedscats #eduCATe #tuxedocat #husky #huskylove #ladypurrl #inspire #thankful #compassion #kindness #inspiration #sendlove #mojoshope #somuchlove #warriorcats #alaskaskaaats #catsofalaska #perserverance #sophisticated #toomuchcuteness #valentinesA post shared by AlaskasKAAATs (@alaskaskaaats) onView this post on Instagram
Ovo mače je našlo savršenu porodicu i “pseću mamu” koja je voli potpuno.
(B. K.)
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